Instagram 2024: New Features Every Marketer Should Know

 Instagram 2024: New Features Every Marketer Should Know


Instagram has always been at the forefront of social media innovation. As we step into 2024, the platform continues to evolve, bringing new features that can significantly impact how marketers engage with their audiences. Whether you're a seasoned social media manager or a small business owner, understanding these updates is crucial for staying competitive. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the latest Instagram features for 2024 that every marketer should know.

Instagram 2024 new features for marketers | Brain Of Interest

1. Enhanced Augmented Reality (AR) Filters

Instagram has taken its AR filters to the next level with more interactive and customizable options. Marketers can now create branded AR experiences that go beyond simple face filters. These advanced AR filters can be used to showcase products, create immersive brand experiences, and drive user engagement.

Benefits for Marketers

  • Increased Engagement: Interactive AR filters encourage users to spend more time engaging with your content.
  • Brand Visibility: Custom AR filters can feature your brand’s logo or product, increasing visibility.

2. Shoppable Posts with 3D Product Views

The integration of 3D product views into shoppable posts is a game-changer for e-commerce brands. This feature allows users to view products from multiple angles, enhancing their shopping experience directly on Instagram.

How It Works

  • Interactive Experience: Users can rotate and zoom in on products, providing a more detailed view.
  • Seamless Integration: Shoppable posts remain fully integrated, allowing for a smooth purchase process.

3. Instagram Reels Insights

Reels have become a cornerstone of Instagram's content strategy. In 2024, Instagram will introduce enhanced insights for Reels, providing deeper analytics into performance metrics.

Key Metrics

  • Engagement Rates: Track likes, comments, and shares to gauge audience reaction.
  • View Duration: Understand how long users are watching your Reels.

4. Advanced Targeting Options for Ads

Instagram's ad platform now offers more granular targeting options, allowing marketers to reach their ideal audience with greater precision.

New Targeting Features

  • Behavior-Based Targeting: Reach users based on their recent activities and interests.
  • Custom Audiences: Create highly specific audience segments for personalized ad campaigns.

5. Instagram Stories Polls and Questions Upgrades

Instagram Stories polls and questions have been upgraded to offer more interactive features. Users can now respond with multimedia answers, making it easier for brands to gather feedback and engage with their audience.

Enhanced Features

  • Multimedia Responses: Allow users to reply with images or videos.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Get immediate insights into your audience’s preferences.

6. Improved Algorithm for Content Discovery

The Instagram algorithm continues to evolve, focusing on delivering more relevant content to users. This update impacts how your content is ranked and discovered.

Algorithm Changes

  • Personalized Feeds: Content is now more tailored to individual user interests.
  • Enhanced Search: Improved search algorithms make it easier for users to find content related to their interests.

7. New Collaboration Tools for Brands and Influencers

Instagram introduces new collaboration tools that facilitate easier partnerships between brands and influencers. These tools streamline the process of co-creating and promoting content.

Collaboration Features

  • Content Co-Creation: Jointly create and share posts with influencers.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitor the success of collaborative content.


What are AR filters, and how can they benefit my brand?

AR filters are interactive effects that can be applied to photos and videos. They benefit brands by increasing user engagement and brand visibility.

How do 3D product views enhance the shopping experience?

3D product views allow users to see products from different angles, providing a more detailed view that helps in making purchasing decisions.

What metrics can I track with Instagram Reels Insights?

You can track engagement rates, view duration, and other performance metrics to evaluate the success of your Reels content.

How can advanced ad targeting help my marketing strategy?

Advanced ad targeting allows for more precise audience segmentation, leading to more effective and personalized ad campaigns.

What are the new features for Instagram Stories polls and questions?

The new features include multimedia responses and real-time feedback, enhancing user interaction and data collection.


Instagram’s new features for 2024 offer exciting opportunities for marketers to enhance engagement, improve ad targeting, and create more immersive brand experiences. Staying updated with these changes and leveraging them effectively can give you a competitive edge in the ever-evolving social media landscape. Embrace these innovations to elevate your Instagram marketing strategy and drive better results for your brand.
